To upgrade and economically dispatch and operate an electrical power system, a review of the main types of electrical equipment and load profiles (Switchgear, Protection, Transformers, Motors, VSDS, UPS, Batteries, MCCs, Cable Systems), including their specification and nature.
This Load Forecasting and System Upgrade training course will use practical and theoretical exercises concerning installation of load forecasting study analysis and system upgrade of electrical power system. It will also include the practical and theoretical exercises concerning load shedding analysi
Program Objctives
By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:
Target Participants
Day One: Power System Components & Upgrade
Day Two: Types of Loads and Load Estimation
Day Three: Powers System Upgrading, Analysis & Load Forecasting
Day Four: Load Sampling Rate, Load Forecasting
Day Five: Load Forecasting Techniques & Procedures